ACHH / Soppkomplekser
ACHH / Soppkomplekser
ACHH er muligens det vanligste immunstimulerende preparatet som blir markedsført mot kreft, men det kan sies å være et ganske så dårlig og dyrt “soppkompleks”. ABM (agericus blazei) er generelt overlegent ACHH, og det har også gode resultater å vise til ved tradisjonelt bruk i Japan.
For de fleste vil det være lurt å å ha bred tilnærming der en supplerer med flere ulike typer sopper.
Naturlige komplekser er som regel å foretrekke framfor de forskjellige ekstraktene av beta glucan som ofte blir aggressivt markedsført. Det vil også være lurt å supplere med andre ikke sopp baserte immunstyrkende elementer som goldenseal og aloe vera. Det ser ut til å være en rekke gunstige stoffer i disse organiske kompleksene som vi ennå ikke har oversikt over, så det kan være lurt å bruke de i sin hele form, og ikke ekstrakter av enkeltelementer.
Har man inflammatorisk kreft, så vil deler av denne tilnærmingen kunne føre til komplikasjoner ved at en trigger den naturlige inflammatoriske immunresponsen, men dette vil høre til sjeldenhetene da de fleste soppekstrakter vil være immunmodulerende og kunne dempe en immunhemmende inflammatorisk respons – det viktige her er å benytte virkestoffer som erfaringsmessig har vist seg å dempe autoimmune sykdommer, og som samtidig har vist seg virkningsfulle mot kreft, som for eksempel aminosyren glycine.
Anbefalte medisinske sopper
- Agaricus blazei Murill
- Coriolus Versicolor
- Vitamin C
Effects of the Medicinal Mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill on Immunity, Infection and Cancer
Scandinavian Journal of ImmunologyVolume 68, Issue 4, Article first published online: 5 SEP 2008
In this article, we review current knowledge as to the immunological properties of AbM, and its possible clinical use in connection with infections and cancer. We also present some novel findings, which point to highly different biological potency between AbM extracts of different source and manufacturing.
Natural killer cell activity and quality of life were improved by consumption of a mushroom extract, Agaricus blazei Murill Kyowa, in gynecological cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2004 Jul-Aug;14(4):589-94.
Chemotherapy-associated side effects such as appetite, alopecia, emotional stability, and general weakness were all improved by ABMK treatment. Taken together, this suggests that ABMK treatment might be beneficial for gynecological cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Effects of the Medicinal Mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill on Immunity, Infection and Cancer
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology Volume 68, Issue 4, pages 363–370, October 2008
Agaricus blazei Murill (AbM) is an edible, medicinal mushroom of Brazilian origin. It is used traditionally against a range of diseases, including cancer and chronic hepatitis, and has been cultivated commercially for the health food market. AbM has recently been shown to have strong immunomodulating properties, which has led to increasing scientific interest. In this article, we review current knowledge as to the immunological properties of AbM, and its possible clinical use in connection with infections and cancer. We also present some novel findings, which point to highly different biological potency between AbM extracts of different source and manufacturing.
Adjuvant immunochemotherapy with oral Tegafur/Uracil plus PSK in patients with stage II or III colorectal cancer: a randomised controlled study.
Br J Cancer. 2004 Sep 13;91(6):1220-1; author reply 1221-3.
Adverse effects were mild and compliance was good. Oral PSK with UFT reduced recurrence in stage II and III colorectal cancer, and increased survival in stage III.
Randomized, controlled study on adjuvant immunochemotherapy with PSK in curatively resected colorectal cancer. The Cooperative Study Group of Surgical Adjuvant Immunochemotherapy for Cancer of Colon and Rectum (Kanagawa).
Dis Colon Rectum. 1992 Feb;35(2):123-30.
The disease-free survival curve and the survival curve of the PSK group were better than those of the control group, and differences between the two groups were statistically significant (disease-free survival, P = 0.013; survival, P = 0.013). These results indicate that adjuvant immunochemotherapy with PSK was beneficial for curatively resected colorectal cancer.
The Effectiveness of Coriolus versicolor Supplementation in the Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma in HIV+ Patients.
Poster 8.16-Submitted to the 10th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, June 27-July 1, 1999. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
The results of this open label study indicate that non-fractionalized Coriolus versicolor supplementation could be an effective nutrition adjuvant for HIV + patients with Kaposi’s Sarcoma. Further research is required to explore this curiosity in greater detail
Single agent polysaccharopeptide delays metastases and improves survival in naturally occurring hemangiosarcoma.
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:384301. doi: 10.1155/2012/384301. Epub 2012 Sep 5.
These data suggest that, for those cancer patients for whom advanced treatments are not accessible, PSP as a single agent might offer significant improvements in morbidity and mortality.
Current findings, future trends, and unsolved problems in studies of medicinal mushrooms.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2011 Mar;89(5):1323-32. Epub 2010 Dec 29.
Several of the mushroom polysaccharide compounds have proceeded through phases I, II, and III clinical trials and are used extensively and successfully in Asia to treat various cancers and other diseases. A total of 126 medicinal functions are thought to be produced by medicinal mushrooms and fungi including antitumor, immunomodulating, antioxidant, radical scavenging, cardiovascular, antihypercholesterolemia, antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal, detoxification, hepatoprotective, and antidiabetic effects.
Clinical efficacy of superfine dispersed lentinan (beta-1,3-glucan) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Hepatogastroenterology. 2009 Mar-Apr;56(90):437-41.
CONCLUSIONS: A superfine dispersed lentinan-containing supplementary food is effective for hepatocellular carcinoma patients’ survival. Long-time ingestion is preferable. Assessment of lentinan-binding CD14+ monocytes is a promising prognostic predictor.
Evidence That Naturopathic Therapy Including Cordyceps sinensis Prolongs Survival of Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Integr Cancer Ther. 2012 Aug 9. [Epub ahead of print]
Overall, patients were treated with 3.7 ± 1.2 agents (range 2-7). There was a significant correlation between number of agents administered and survival (P < .0001). Patients treated with ≥4 agents survived significantly longer than patients treated with ≤3 agents (40.2 vs 6.4 months, P < .0001). This difference could not be attributed to statistically significant differences in severity of liver disease or tumor stage, delay in treatment, previous treatment, concurrent nondrug treatment, or censoring effects.